Graduates career development workshops

Graduates career development workshops

At the center, a variety of activities and events are offered, with a focus on different workshops, each lasting one day.

1. Résumé Writing Workshop
   - Workshop Content:
     - Introduction to the importance of a résumé in the hiring process.
     - Overview of different types of résumés and how to choose the appropriate one.
     - How to organize a résumé in an attractive and organized manner.
     - Writing effective career objectives, work experience, and educational background.
     - Highlighting personal and technical skills and notable achievements.
     - Reviewing and correcting common mistakes in résumé writing.
     - Providing practical examples and successful résumé samples.
   - Activities:
     - Practical exercises on résumé writing.
     - Review sessions and feedback from instructors.

2. Career Planning Workshop
   - Workshop Content:
     - Introduction to the importance of career planning and its impact on career paths.
     - Self-analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, and professional interests.
     - Setting short-term and long-term career goals.
     - Strategies for career development and adapting to changes in the job market.
     - How to create a comprehensive career plan.
   - Activities:
     - Brainstorming sessions to identify career goals.
     - Exercises to develop a personal career plan.

3. Job Search Workshop
   - Workshop Content:
     - Effective strategies for job searching.
     - How to use the internet and social media networks in job searching.
     - Writing cover letters and online applications.
     - How to communicate with employers and follow up after applying.
   - Activities:
     - Simulations of the job search process.
     - Training on writing cover letters and applications.

4. LinkedIn Workshop
   - Workshop Content:
     - The importance of LinkedIn in building a professional network.
     - How to create a professional LinkedIn profile.
     - Strategies to increase visibility and engagement on the platform.
     - How to search for job opportunities and connect with employers.
     - Tips for developing your professional content on LinkedIn.
   - Activities:
     - Creating or improving LinkedIn profiles.
     - Exercises on how to interact and post on the platform.

5. Interview Techniques Workshop
   - Workshop Content:
     - Types of interviews and what to expect.
     - How to prepare for a job interview.
     - Strategies for handling common and difficult questions.
     - Tips for effective communication and body language during the interview.
     - How to evaluate and follow up professionally after the interview.
   - Activities:
     - Practice interviews (simulations).
     - Review sessions and feedback to improve interview performance.

In each workshop, the focus will be on delivering information practically and interactively to ensure participants benefit and achieve the desired outcomes from the workshop.