Announcement on the Completion of Training Courses at the Career Development Center, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra

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Announcement on the Completion of Training Courses at the Career Development Center, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra

We are pleased to announce the completion of four training courses at the Career Development Center, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra - Benha University, as follows:

  1. The ninth course of Employability Skills Training provided by Aspire.
  2. The tenth course of Employability Skills Training provided by Aspire.
  3. The first course of Selling Fundamentals provided by the American Chamber of Commerce.
  4. The first course of Health and Safety provided by the American Chamber of Commerce.

Our students demonstrated great enthusiasm and benefited from the new skills they acquired during these courses. Certificates were awarded to the students, who expressed their happiness and pride in their achievements.

We would like to remind you that the training courses are ongoing throughout the week. If you wish to benefit from the courses and services offered at the center, please follow our Facebook page or contact us via WhatsApp.


21 July